Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Present Perfect


1.    Pattern:

(+) S + have/has + V.3 + O
(-)  S + have/has + Not + V.3 + O
(?) Have/has + S + V.3 + O?

·      + I have spoken English
-  I have not/haven’t spoken English
? Have I spoken English?
Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
·      + Riana has cooked rice
-  Riana has not/hasn’t cooked  rice
? Has Riana cooked rice?
Yes, she has
No, she hasn’t




1.    Untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan/aktivitas yang telah dilakukan pada masa lampau dan masih ada hubungannya atau berakibat sampai sekarang.
Ex. I have bought a car last year (saya telah membeli mobil tahun lalu)
Rima has studied English at Unsil for 4 years (Rima telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama 4 tahun)

Keterangan waktu:
·      Since (sejak) menunjukan waktu dimasa lampau hingga saat ini.
Ex. Ria has left Tasikmalaya since five years ago (Ria telah meninggalkan Kota Tasikmalaya sejak lima tahun lalu)
We have looked for a grammar book since two days ago (kami mencari buku grammar sejak dua hari lalu)

·      For (selama) menunjukan arti “lamanya jangka waktu hingga kini.
Ex. Susan has stayed in Bandung for thirteen years (Susan telah tinggal di Bandung selama tiga belas tahun)
Diki and Digo have looked for a job for two years (Diki dan Digo telah mencari pekerjaan selama dua tahun)

2.    Sering menggunakan dan terkadang menggabungkan adverb-adverb berikut ini:
·      So far
·      Up to now
·      Almost
·      Already
·      Never
·      Until now
·      Up to the present
·      Just (now)
·      Etc
·      Still
·      This week
·      This month
·      This Sunday
·      This year
·      This……
·      Recently
·      Lately
·      Not ….. yet

1.    Rima has already married with someone
2.    Ginanjar has almost married her
3.    He has been quite ill this year
4.    Etc.

3.    Rumus Menggunakan Question Word
·      Untuk menanyakan subjek
QW +has + Verb.3+ O + Complement?

·      Untuk menanyakan selain subjek
QW + Have/has + S + Verb.3+ O + Complement?

Ex. He has swept the floor for an hour
           1           2           3              4
1.    Who has swept the floor for an hour?
2.    What has he done for an hour?
3.    What has he swept for an hour?
4.    How long has he swept the floor?

Cici and Beta have washed the cloth in the river
                          1                        2             3              4
1.    Who has washed the cloth in the river?
2.    What have Cici and Beta/they done in the river?
3.    What have they washed in the river?
4.    Where have they washed the cloth?

                                                             Written by Dede Susandi

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